Hop on for pharmacy management & business
Click on Partner with us and fill the necessary details to get started with PepPill. You can send an email to support@peppill.com to go ahead with Pharmacy Management & Business. You can also contact us at +91 75500 47355 in case of any queries. Then, the PepPill Team would contact you to onboard your store on PepPill once you fill the form. They would visit your store to complete the onboarding process and help you understand PepPill better.
Choosing a subscription plan
PepPill is a subscription product. The PepPill Team would explain the subscription plans available. You can choose a subscription plan based on your business needs and business vision.
What documents are required to sign up on the PepPill platform?
The pharmacy would be required to upload copies of their pharmacy license on the PepPill Store mobile app. The license can be either Form-20, or Form-20A, or Form-20B, or Form-21, or Form-21A, or Form-21B. These licenses are applicable for retail pharmacies. In case of a wholesale pharmacy, you should also provide the wholesale pharmacy license. The license should have at least 3 months validity from the current date.
You should have an appropriate challan if your license has expired. And, the challan copy should be uploaded on the PepPill Store mobile app.
Verification of store owner identity and store location
The PepPill Team would verify the identity of the store owner during the onboarding process. The name, address and contact details in the ID proof should be same as in the pharmacy license. The store location would also be checked if it is mentioned correctly on the license.
Setting up your PepPill account
The PepPill Sales Team would assist you in person at your store to set up your PepPill account. First, the PepPill Store Android app should be downloaded from Google Play Store. Then, the basic details such as Mobile Number, Owner Name, Store Name, Store address and Email address, should be provided in the app. Next, the valid license image would be uploaded on the app. The sales team would also help to set the store’s GPS location correctly on the PepPill Store app. Finally, the detailed working hours of the store would be updated.
Some decisions to be made
You need to confirm the below conditions before activating your store on PepPill:
Providing discounts to customers
A formal agreement should be signed between PepPill and the store if you are going to offer discounts. This step would be explained in detail when the PepPill Onboarding Team arrives at your store for the onboarding process.
Giving home delivery option
You can also deliver medicines to the customer’s place. But this is not a mandatory criterion to on-board on PepPill. The store can even set the maximum and minimum distance range for providing home delivery.
Activating your store on PepPill
Your store application would be sent to the PepPill management for approval, once the initial signup process is complete. Usually the approval would be given within 1 business day. Then you can enter the world of pharmacy management & business with PepPill.
A demo on PepPill
The PepPill Sales Team would provide a complete end-to-end demo after completing the signup process and store activation. You can see the various features of the product and check how PepPill can make your daily work easy. The demo covers the Store web application, Store mobile application, and Consumer web application. It brings a clear view of the product’s functionalities both from the side of mobile app and web application. You would learn how to process orders from PepPill customers, manage your inventory, get sales reports, etc. The sales team would show how orders on PepPill Store are processed, right from receiving a new order till the delivery. They would also give a brief demo of how things look from the customer side, and how things get processed. All the functionalities would be demonstrated using a TEST account.
Onboarding your store on PepPill
There may be 3 cases of the onboarding process. And, the PepPill Onboarding Team would assist you completely in getting your store on PepPill within 3 working days.
Post Onboarding
The Customer Support team would assist you once the onboarding process is complete. They would make sure the drug data is properly updated on your PepPill inventory. Also, they check if there are any data validation issues and make sure they are resolved. Besides, they also ensure that printer settings are configured correctly, and minimum system requirements are met. The customer support team would provide a feedback form after demonstrating every functionality of PepPill’s mobile and web applications. Finally, the Customer Support team would send a formal email with the store’s login credentials.
Now you are ready to do smart pharmacy management & business with customers on PepPill!
Want to know more about PepPill?
Send us your contact details, and we’ll contact you within 1 business day.