PepPill®, a first-of-its-kind cloud platform in India, for pharmacies and consumers was launched on 1st July 2019 at Chennai, India. The Chief Guest, Mr. J. Jayaseelan, Chairman, Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association (TNPKSB), launched the product. High time for pharmacists to choose technology & conquer the pharmacy business in the booming digital world – Mr. J. Jayaseelan at the Launch of PepPill provides exciting information.
Commenting on the launch, Jayaseelan said, “The pharmacist community should embrace technology to stay updated in the digital world. Putting technology in healthcare redefines the entire healthcare ecosystem. Indian healthcare is getting modernized, so should pharmacists become modern by adopting the power of technology, otherwise they would become outdated. Now is the time to excel.”
Jayseelan further added, “Hearing the news of PepPill rings sounds of joy! From a pharmacist point-of-view, managing the expiry stock and knowing the low-selling medicines is very important, and PepPill helps pharmacists do them in seconds. The new features to manage multiple stores from anywhere and remain GST compliant anytime thrills the pharmacists. With the GST reporting & filing services from PepPill, pharmacists can now focus on business rather than worrying on compliance.”
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